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Defining Columns

The only required props are key and getValue.


key (required)

string | numberA unique key for this column. Do not use an array index

getValue (required)

(row: T, source: ValueSource) => any

Should return the value for the cell. You can return different values depending on the source param. For example you might want to return a formatted number when the source is ValueSource.Cell, and an unformatted one when ValueSource.Clipboard or ValueSource.Sort



The header text or node for this column
widthstring e.g. "100px" or "0.5fr", or number in pixels

The column width. Can be "10px" or 10 (pixels), or "0.5fr" (fractional unit). Defaults to "1fr"

minWidthnumber in pixels

The minimum width this column can be, in pixels. Defaults to 100


Whether this column can be sorted or not. You must implement the onColumnsChange prop for sorting to work

sortDirectionenum SortDirection

The current sort direction of this column (or undefined for no sort)

createSortComparator(sortDirection: SortDirection) => Comparator<T>

Given the sort direction, returns a custom comparator function. If not defined then the default comparator is used


The sort priority when multiple columns are sorted. Lower is higher priority. By default it's based on the order that columns are clicked


Pin this column to the left ("start") or right ("end") if you wish it to always be visible even if the user scrolls

cellComponent(props: CellComponentProps<T, S>) => Node

A function given a the current column, row item, and optionally row state & setter, returns the cell node to be rendered. If not specified will render the result of column.getValue(item, ValueSource.Cell)

colSpan(item: T) => number

Return a number greater than 1 to make a cell in this column span into adjacent columns. Return -1 to span all remaining columns in the grid area

rowSpan(item: T) => number

Return a number greater than 1 to make a cell in this column span into adjacent rows. Return -1 to span all remaining rows in the grid area


columns can be a nested array, where a grouping column has children: []. See Column Grouping


import { GroupedColumns, ValueSource } from '@lightgrid/react'

interface CryptoCurrency {
rank: number,
name: string,
symbol: string,
marketCap: string,
lastPrice: number,
volume24h: number,
priceChange1h: number,
priceChange7h: number,
priceChange24h: number,
priceChange7d: number,

const columns = GroupedColumns<CryptoCurrency> = [
key: 'rank',
header: <em>Rank</em>.
getValue: d => d.rank,
width: 90,
key: 'symbol',
header: 'Symbol',
getValue: d => d.symbol,
cellComponent: ({ column, item }) => <CryptoSymbol symbol={d.symbol} />
key: 'marketCap',
getValue: (d, source) => source === ValueSource.Cell ?
formatCCY(d.marketCap, 'USD') : d.marketCap,
key: 'lastPrice',
getValue: (d, source) => source === ValueSource.Cell ?
formatCCY(d.lastPrice, d.symbol) : d.lastPrice,
key: 'priceChange24h',
header: '% 24h',
getValue: (d, source) => source === ValueSource.Cell ?
`${priceChange24h}%` : d.priceChange24h,

Example of grouped columns

const columns = (GroupedColumns<CryptoCurrency> = [
key: 'priceChangeGroup',
header: 'Price change',
children: [
key: 'priceChange1h',
header: '% 1h',
getValue: (d, source) =>
source === ValueSource.Cell ? `${priceChange1h}%` : d.priceChange1h,
key: 'priceChange7h',
header: '% 7h',
getValue: (d, source) =>
source === ValueSource.Cell ? `${priceChange7h}%` : d.priceChange7h,
key: 'priceChange24h',
header: '% 24h',
getValue: (d, source) =>
source === ValueSource.Cell ? `${priceChange24h}%` : d.priceChange24h,
key: 'priceChange7d',
header: '% 7d',
getValue: (d, source) =>
source === ValueSource.Cell ? `${priceChange7d}%` : d.priceChange7d,